in touch with real speech
In touch with real speech

Firsty Group new website

I am delighted that Firsty Group, my technology partners, have got a new website that is as beautiful as the work they have put into my iPad app Cool Speech, and the eBook version of Phonology for Listening. I am flattered also that the first image you see on landing on their home page is of me receiving the ELTon for Digital Innovations in May 2013. (But I have just had the uncomfortable feeling that they have arranged things so that only me in Harborne Birmingham will see this, but their other clients will see their own images.)

Their website is here. And from right to left you see (hopefully) Charlie Warburton (managing director of Firsty Group), myself, and Simon Greenall OBE who awarded the prize.

And here there’s a page from their ‘Showcase’ area that shows off several screens of Cool Speech.

It’s just a beautiful website. I am proud to be associated with it.

Richard can be contacted at

Tel: 07790 629859